New Blog Masthead

Purrrs to all you cat people.

This post is not about cats. For posts ABOUT CATS visit:

This blog is about the Cat Containment and Care part of the operation. They are the residents. We are the 'staff'.

So even though i worked off of a previously fine template, is has taken an hour and about 20 saves to finally get this new masthead flying.


I am one of those with whom a small compliment - 'Nice print'--JC Walker - goes a long way.

Thank mew!

And now the news....Tick...tick....tick...tick...

I keep wondering if anyone is paying any attention to my FB posts.


I probably have a dozen or more 'notifications' when i first log on for the day. Although many of those may be from the same individual.

And then on occasion a post is especially touching, and i will have a flood of reactions. The post on late sister's birthday netted 32 reactions. That is a remarkable 20% of my friends! When i was doing promotional work i was taught that a 5-7% response was 'a good turnout'.

And i also notice that throughout the week, i likely hear back from all thirty of them at some time or another about one post or another.

So though it doesn't really SEEM like it, i DO have a 'respectable' readership/reaction per distribution ratio. I have ALWAYS known that many read but do not respond or react regularly but are there.

My purpose is to inspire. And it seems i do.

And i am grateful that you allow me that.

KK & Kompany...


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